Finding the perfect streaming service isn’t easy. With most of them, you’ll find yourself enjoying most of their content, but sooner rather than later, you’ll end up realizing that some of the things you like are missing from it and that you need another one. So, one could say, that it’s only a matter of time since someone puts all streaming services together and reinvents cable TV – only online.
All jokes aside, it is quite hard to decide which streaming service is right for you. Now, finding the free streaming service that meets your needs is nearly impossible. For quite some time, that free streaming service everyone was using was Couchtuner. However, due to unknown reasons and some bad luck – everyone’s favourite free streaming service is down indefinitely.
What happened to Couchtuner and is it ever coming back – we don’t know. No one does. However, what we do know is that a lot of people are looking for an alternative. Naturally, that’s not easy, even though there are a plethora of options.
Now, since we care about you and we don’t want you to suffer without your favourite TV shows and movies, we’ve decided to share a few tips on how to find the best Couchtuner alternative. Even better, we’re going to give you a few suggestions, as well, so by the time you’re done reading this – you can be well on your way to finding the next best thing, now that the Couchtuner is a thing of the past. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Table of Contents
1. Trial & Error

The first and probably the best tip we can give you is to give various alternatives a try. Sit in front of your computer or your laptop and give the old Google a try. Search for Couchtuner alternatives and see what comes up.
After you do that, all that’s left to do is to test the free streaming platforms and find the best one for you. In fact, you may even end up loving a few of them, you never know. Also, you might end up disliking most of them, but that’s fine. If you don’t like some of them, don’t worry, there are plenty of others you can test until you find the right one – you just have to be persistent.
2. Check Out The Online Reviews

If you’re too lazy to do the research on your own – don’t worry, someone has already done it. There are many TV show and movie enthusiasts that have tested pretty much every streaming platform on the internet and are fully aware of the pros and cons of each and every one of them. Now, most of them don’t care that you don’t know, but some of them (thankfully) are good enough so that they’ll share the sacred knowledge with you and point you in the right direction so you can find the proper Couchtuner alternative. So, if you want to learn more and skip over the trial and error phase, just read the online reviews and see which alternative option is the best according to internet experts and give that one a try.
3. Download The Content You Want To Watch

Now, who says that you have to find a streaming service to watch your favourite TV shows and movies? There are other ways to watch your favourite content without having to spend a dime. Granted, just like Couchtuner, this also won’t be the method that’s strictly according to the law, but who are we to judge?
All you have to do is find a good website that will allow you to download the movies or TV shows that you want to watch and voila – in a couple of minutes you’ll be the proud “owner” of the first season of your favourite TV show. Just, don’t forget to use VPN and a secure browser such as Tor when you do these kinds of things. Safety comes first!
4. Try YouTube

Believe it or not, you can watch movies and TV shows on YouTube. Granted, you won’t be able to watch some of the latest content or the most popular one, but some content is available on YouTube. Now, most of this content will be taken down pretty quickly, but if your timing is right – you might just catch an episode or two. Even if you don’t happen to find what you’re looking for, well, there’s always cat videos and people falling off of skateboards.
5. Use The Trials Wisely

Most of the popular streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Prime come with a free trial period that is free for everyone to use. Granted, most of the trial periods are only a week-long, which is sad, considering they used to be a month-long only a few years ago, but hey, you can’t do anything about it, so, back to the point. You can use free trials of the world’s most popular streaming services and if you stack them correctly, you’re pretty much looking at a few months of free content – 10 weeks in the worst-case scenario.
Our Top 3 Picks
Finally, allow us to point you in the right direction and recommend you a few, solid alternatives to Couchtuner.
1. PopcornFlix
Let’s start off with PopcornFlix – one of the most important free streaming services on the internet. On here, you can find 1080p content, subtitles, a solid library and most importantly – not a lot of ads.
2. Soap2Day

S2D is another free streaming service that you can use instead of Couchtuner. The ad situation is even better than on our previous pick, the library is quite extensive and once again you can enjoy Full HD content free of charge.
3. TubiTV

For our final and top pick – we’ve selected TubiTV. Once again you’re looking at a free streaming service that offers 1080p content, a lot of it and has a pretty decent ad situation going on. Also, you don’t have to sign up to watch content on TubiTV, which is always great to hear.
There you have it. Those were our tips on finding the alternative to the fallen giant such as Couchtuner and a couple of suggestions, as well. Hopefully, we’ve managed to help. Take care.